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I am passionate about sharing the knowledge and experience that I have gained over the many years working in high performance sport in order to help others achieve their goals, and become high performing. If you are looking for an insight into high performance sport, would like to learn how to optimise your training and performance, would like to develop the knowledge and expertise of your team, support team or organisation then get in touch.

Education and curriculum development

With my expertise, I will work with you to design a comprehensive curriculum and education program tailored to the needs of your sport, athletes and coaches. I will help you develop learning modules, interactive workshops and resources to ensure your athletes are developing the knowledge and skills necessary to reach their full potential.

External Speaker

With a wealth of knowledge and insight into the world of high performance sport. I understand what makes a successful high performance support team, useing my own personal experiences to educate and inspire your team to reach their goals. With my professional expertise and enthusiasm, I will provide an invaluable contribution to your team’s development.

Workshops and Seminars

I offer both single workshops and a series of workshops/seminars to help you develop your knowledge and understanding on a variety of sports science related topics. I can also tailor workshops and seminars to your specific needs. I provide an engaging and informative insight into the world of sport, so why not get in touch and gain a better understanding of the fundamentals of sports performance and unlock your sporting potential.

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